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AKSP Editorial Staff
Now, AKSP Seigokan Official Weblog has already an automatic translator at the TOP (flags) of it, where you may choose your language.
Follow the news there, clicking on the above image. AKSP Editorial Staff
The news dropped as a bomb. Our dear member and beloved Honorary President of AKSP, President of the National Karate Federation of Portugal (FNK-P) and member of the Portuguese Olympic Committee (COP), João Salgado, died suddenly this morning at his home. Promotional video of International (European) Seigokan Kangeiko led by Jose Santana Shihan (6th Dan), Europe Seigokan Chief Instructor, to be held at Caparica, Portugal, in March 9 and 10 of 2013.
Took place in July 15, 16 of 2012, the 67th Anniversary of Seigokan and World Friendship Tournament. Delegations from USA, Brazil, Mexico, Australia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Macau and Hong Kong were present.
Author (AKSP)AKSP Editorial Staff Archives
July 2015